1992 -
Grandlodge was launched as our property investment business, but has since become our umbrella investment vehicle. Grandlodge is principally a counter cyclical acquirer of assets, having completed a number of corporate asset transactions over the last 10+ years. The company invested heavily during the depth of the GFC, having liquidated 90% of its assets during 2007/2008 in anticipation of a substantial market correction. Grandlodge has investments in property, shares, Lanyon Asset Management (boutique Australian equity funds manager) and Immuron Ltd (Biotechnology Company).
Grandlodge Pty Ltd

2013 -
Immuron Ltd is a publicly listed Australian biopharmaceutical company (ASX: IMC) focused on oral immunotherapy using dairy-derived polyclonal antibody products for humans. Immuron is a uniquely positioned biotechnology company in view of its versatile technology platform, comprising dairy derived polyclonal antibodies, capable of generating a wide range of products with a high safety profile. This high safety profile makes it possible to complete pre-clinical studies relatively quickly and raises the prospect that the clinical development of Immuron’s products will be expedited.
Grandlodge is a major shareholder of Immuron Ltd., and actively participates at a board level and in specific aspects of its day-to-day operations.

Britex Carpet Care

2000 -
A dramatic decline in this business prior to its acquisition by the ACS Group resulted in the loss of over 30 fulltime positions around Australia, typifies the management of non-core businesses by many multinationals.
Since purchasing the business from Reckitt Benkiser in August 2000, the ACS Group has grown the Britex Hire Business by over 22% and the Britex Chemicals business by 27% while employing 35 fulltime staff throughout Australia.

Rug Doctor
2005 -
The licence for the Rug Dr carpet cleaning hire business in Australia was purchased from Oates Cleaning in 2005. This was a stragic purchase aimed at consolidating the market position of both Rug Dr and Britex Carpet Care in the Australian Market. This purchase has lead to many efficiency gains across the two businesses. Rug Dr continues to grow its market position and is now the number 2 player in this market behind Britex.